Organizational behavior refers to a study of how human beings behave while they are in an organizational setup.

Organizational behavior refers to a study of how human beings behave while they are in an organizational setup.

The first one:

I am a junior, majoring on Leadership and Management. My main goal is to learn how people behavior relate to organizations. I will do my best to manage my time well to ensure that I am not left behind in the course.


  1. F: This is a myth, though people with higher education may get better opportunities, it does not mean that they always earn higher. There are people even without higher level education who make good incomes.
  2. F: People are born with different capacities
  3. F: This is a myth and based on generalization, there are women who are better drivers than men.
  4. T: This is a proven fact as the childhood experiences affects a child’s subconscious mind.
  5. T: This is true as they tend to focus more on the matter at hand.
  6. T: Smokers have a weaker immune than non-smokers and thus are at a risk of falling sick more often.
  7. T: I guessed this one but I think it is because they tend to respond more to emotions than men.

Organizational behavior refers to a study of how human beings behave while they are in an organizational setup. It also entails the study of interface between human behavior and the organization, and the organization itself. To gain a deeper understanding on this, human beings behaviors are studied in their organizational roles.

31 mins ago

The second one:

Hello everyone, a pleasure to be in a class together, my name is Arturo I am a senior. One thing I plan on doing to get the most out of this semester is thoroughly allocate enough time to read all the material and understand it but if not I will be reaching out to my peers first and Professor Williams if need be.

My questionnaire

1 T

2 F

3 F

4 F

5 T

6 T

7 F

My reasoning for the questionnaire is as follows.

For Q1, the top third of students at school can most likely be linked together with more positive habits they have sharpened over their years in school which will highlight them over their average peers and subsequently higher pay. While it is possible for an average student to achieve better pay than a student in the top third, on average I would assume the top third of students would make more overall. Also, an article from LinkedIn titled “Your GPA could impact your Income” from 2014 stated that 3,401 investors volunteered to disclose their income from all different sized firms reporting that GPA on average did impact their pay, while this may be due to GPA bias and should be taken cautiously. Q2 I do not believe all people are born with equal capabilities with the most apparent differences being mental/ physical illnesses that take years and require a great deal of determination to overcome among other things. Q3 seems like a patently prevalent myth. Q4 This to me seems possibly false as it relies heavily on the Freudian belief that by an early age, children are set in their ways with no room for personal change and essentially leaving little importance on the rest of a person’s life. Q5 I think this can be an overstatement but believe it is possibly true. Q6 Smokers are degrading their body through their actions and would assume the longer they smoke the more illnesses they will acquire and as a result over a long span will use more sick days. Q7 I think there are certain benefits genders have over one another but I don’t think this is the case for this question.

Organizational Behavior

Is the study of improving dynamics between people and organizations as a whole to maximize effectiveness. It relies on getting interpersonal skills to improve and getting voices heard in hopes of correcting problems and streamlining work.

One of the many reasons OB is important is stated in chapter one “58% of managers reported not having training” intern meaning productivity could be tweaked a great deal for optimization. It also shows a person in a managerial position lacking interpersonal skills can weigh heavy on a company. All this eluding to the fact that having OB versed employees are well worth the investment.

31 mins ago

The third one:

My full name is Joonyong Lee, but I use Joon as my name in America. I am currently a senior majoring in Hotel and Tourism Management. One thing that I will certainly be doing to get the most from this learning journey is taking advantage of the resources available to retain as much information as possible during the semester.

___F___ 1) People who graduate in the upper third of their college class tend to make more money during their careers than do average students.
___F___ 2) All people are born equal in capacity for achievement.
___F___ 3) On average, men are better auto drivers than women.
___F___ 4) Experiences as an infant tend to determine behavior in later life.
___F___ 5) Silent people are often deep thinkers.
___T___ 6) Smokers take more sick days per year than non-smokers.
___T___ 7) Women are more intuitive than men.
The first statement seems to be a false statement, purely based on my experience. Based on my peers, their abilities to earn money does not seem to directly correlate with their grades during college. The second statement is false, based on my learnings in psychology. Number three seems to be a myth, I believe I read an article stating that male drivers have more fatal accidents on the road compared to female drivers. For number four, although I feel certain experiences, such as traumatic ones, could determine behavior in later life, the statement seems to be too definitive to be true. Statement five is most likely a myth, as not all silent people are definitely deep thinkers. Simply based on the fact that smoking is damaging to the body, statement 6 could be true. To some degree, I believe that statement 7 is true, although it may be merely a myth.

Based on my chapter 1 reading, organizational behavior is the study of the interaction between individuals and groups within the structural format of a given organization.
As any workplace is constructed of a group of individuals, human interaction is central within a workplace setting. The understanding of organization behavior will enable the organization to function more efficiently and effectively, through the utilization of necessary components and the elimination of unnecessary deterrents.

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Organizational behavior refers to a study of how human beings behave while they are in an organizational setup.APA

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