Game Theory and Project Management

Game Theory and Project Management

I have Homework

Present the exercise using Word, single spaced, and with page numbering. You may include presentation graphics/tables/charts/pictures

as you deem appropriate. Choose any of the concepts from this course(probability /Decision Tree/Game Theory /Software Metrics /Analytic Hierarchy process) just choose One and explain how you could use the concept to make

a substantial improvement to either your management style or one of your organization’s

standard operating practices. If you are not currently employed, you may refer to a previous

work organization, or you may choose an organization from your personal life. You do not need

to be currently employed to be able to improve a personal management practice so if you are not

currently employed you may make that choice. Use the following format.

Situation/Background. 15 points. Explain either your current management practice or your

organization’s standard operating practice that you want to improve. Explain what is not going

as well as possible, and how your choice of concept will make things better. Provide a context

for the need for a change. This will likely require about a page.

Goal. 5 points. Specifically describe what aspect of either your current management style or

your organization’s standard practices needs to get better. An example of an appropriate

sentence might be “The purpose of this intervention will be to …” or something like that. This

will likely require a single paragraph.

Implementation Procedure. 20 points. Explain how you intend to introduce the change, and how

you intend to implement it. Describe any objections you may encounter and how you intend to

handle those objections. Describe how will you measure the effect of the change assuming it is

implemented; what metric(s) will you use and provide an example using notional (dummy)

numbers for illustration purposes. The improvement does not necessarily need to be in terms of

dollars; it can be in terms of improved internal procedures, investment in the future, or some

form of “customer satisfaction.” This will likely require 2-3 pages.

Please put graphics/tables/charts and do 3 pages in Word


answer preview
Game theory is a tool used in project management. Basically, game theory is helpful in dealing with conflicts arising in project management. Currently am working with a construction industry and I have noticed that there are many conflicts in the project management department. Project management has been faced with various issues such as cost budget, time required to complete the project, communication and decision making. Such issues are risky to the project and can eventually make the project not to succeed. This article is going to discuss issues affecting project management and how game theory can be applied to handle these problems (Simister, 1994). ……………………..words 626