Have Anti-Father Family Court Policies Led to a Men’s Marriage Strike

Have Anti-Father Family Court Policies Led to a Men’s Marriage Strike

To prepare for the discussion, read Glenn Sacks and Dianna Thompson’s article “Have Anti-Father Family Court Policies Led to a Men’s Marriage Strike?” Then search your state for information concerning this issue, particularly statistics similar to those you have found in the article.

Do you think men have good reason to avoid marriage? Back up your position with statistics or citations to articles you have found.








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From my point of view, men have good reason to avoid marriage as I have read from the Glenn Sacks and Dianna Thompson’s article. This is because some women bring up domestic problem and with time they not willing to continue with the marriage (Smith 2013). A good example is seen through 31 year old plant technician who has negative attitude towards marriage. He gives an example of his friends who had been married and his ex came up with false domestic accusations. After all, the guy was left with no family. Research has

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