Contract Case

Contract Case

Using the contract legal terminology from Chapter 8 in Doc Sharing, search for a contract case from your state. For example, you could use the search terms – breach of contract and misrepresentation. If possible, please try to use different search terms than those already posted. Share with your fellow classmates the search words you used and provide an example of what case you found.












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Heritage Propane Partners located at Tulsa, OK, sued SCANA, South Carolina’s largest utility company in 2010, in a contract argument arising over the ultimate sale and bidding process of SCANA’s propane businesses. Heritage assured SCANA to keep the promises for the business they would start after meeting in SCANA subsidiary. For this reason, the two continued working together with their bids on different business. As time went by, they got engaged to other business even though SCANA was not performing as expected in terms of work. Heritage complained about his attendance because the business was running under loses. Heritage complains that he has contributed twice to the business as compared to the SCANA. Later after three years, the two experienced a loss that was caused by fire. The total amount between the two was $45 million after they were compensated. In order to refund the business again, they agreed to spent little money on it and share the rest. SCANA has been complaining that they should share the total amount equally even though their contribution differs

Total word count:181words