

One of the more recent and continuing conflicts regarding scientific theories is that of evolution. Stemming from the fact that evolution conflicts with religious beliefs regarding the origin of all forms of life on Earth, the conflict carried over to public education. Some religious leaders in several states have argued that alongside evolution, ideas like intelligent design (ID) should also be taught within science classrooms in public schools. In Seminar you will explore the differences between the science supporting evolution and the evidence used to support ID. To learn more about the two concepts and history of this controversy explore the following resources.

Explore the process of natural selection by opening the Evolution chapter resources clicking on “Animations and Demonstrations” and choosing “Selection.”


Learn about the genetic evidence for common ancestry by watching the following video:http://www.teachersdomain.org/asset/evol07_vid_genconnect/


Listen to the following statements regarding scientific theories and the misinterpretation of the term “theory”:




Why is evolution controversial anyway? (A video)




Evolution Revolution, a timeline




Explore additional videos, interactives, and interviews here:



Come to Seminar prepared to discuss the following questions

What are the various forms of evidence for evolution?


What are the various forms of evidence for intelligent design?


What are the similarities and differences between the evidence for evolution and intelligent design?


What are the differences between a scientist’s definition of a theory and the definition by a non-scientist?


How could antimicrobial resistance of bacteria and pesticide resistance of insects provide us with examples of natural selection or evolution?


Charles Darwin died before Gregor Mendel, also known as the Father of

Option 2: Write and submit a 400-word paper discussing the questions posed in the Seminar description above.

Submitting Your Assignment

Save your copy of the assignment in a location and with a name that you will remember. Be sure to use the “Save As” option to include your first and last name in the title of the document. For example, your assignment might be calledShawn_Edwards_Seminar1.docWhen you are ready to submit it, click on the Dropbox and complete the steps below

Click the link that says Submit an Assignment.

In the “Submit to Basket” menu, select Unit 8: Seminar

In the “Comments” field, include at least the title of your paper.

Click the Add Attachments button.

Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document.

To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it. Click the Dropbox to access it.

Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted assignment.

















Solution Preview

Since Darwin’s period, people have been studying and looking for evidence in nature that support or explains more about evolution. For this reason, Darwin used various forms of evidence for evolution such fossil and similarities and are still in use up to date. Additionally, Darwin came up with the method of natural selection and which is also used scientists as a form of evidence for evolution (Salzano, & Bortolini, 2010). Others such as DNA testing were not used in Darwin theory but are still in use as to date

Total word count:624words