Goals are always set to be achieved and most of the time managers set the goals to keep the team focused

Goals are always set to be achieved and most of the time managers set the goals to keep the team focused

Part 1

Goals are always set to be achieved and most of the time managers set the goals to keep the team focused but at the same time the goals set must be attainable and challenging at the same time. A good goal must contain all the components of a SMART goal, there a thin line between the high-low goals and the SMART goals because they both put individuals on toes as they strive to achieve them. Both goals are set in such a manner that they are attainable and challenging.

The advantage of this is that the goals will keep the team motivated because of them being attainable and at the same time being challenging as individuals will always feel motivated working on a project that is more challenging as this will be more fulfilling after the goal has been attained. But the only disadvantage is that the high-low goal can only be used in already existing goal and not a new goal and this makes it difficult because new goals are the order of the day.

Part 2

Management by objective is whereby the organization sets objectives that are agreed upon by both the management and the employees in order to improve the

performance of the organization. In the case of Walgreens using the program to propel the performance, there are challenges that the management will face in the process like the program consuming a lot of time of both the managers and the employees hence leaving them with less time for working on the objectives set and this can hurt the performance of the organization. But on the other hand, the program is also a plus to the organization as it makes the employees committed to attaining the objective by being involved in it in the first place.

A SMART goal that the management can create with an associate at Walgreens can be becoming the best pharmacy by providing accessible healthcare services to Americans by 2021. This is a Smart Goal because it’s specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. This involves both the input of the management as well as that of the employees to be able to achieve this. To be in a position to accomplish this, a lot will be involved like marketing and opening more outlets to reach every member of society.


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Goals are always set to be achieved and most of the time managers set the goals to keep the team focused

302 words