How did Italian city states and their governments begin to change in 1450s

How did Italian city states and their governments begin to change in 1450s

HI 375 Renaissance & Reformation

Study Guide for Quiz #2

Lecture 6: Princely Courts

How did Italian city states and their governments begin to change in 1450s?

Urban Aristocratic Courts

Example of Princes from Italy (Borgia from Rome, Sforza from Milan, Medici of Florence)

Lecture 7: Trans-Atlantic Exploration

What were the reasons for exploration outside of Europe?

Christopher Columbus and his journey in 1492

The Effects of the Conquest of the Americas

Disease and Death



Multiracial Society


Changes in knowledge

Lecture 8: The Renaissance in Northern Europe

How was Northern Humanism (or the Northern Renaissance) different from the Renaissance ideas of Italy?

How does Desiderius Erasmus fit in this movement?

Handbook of the Militant Christian (see Canvas)

Lecture 9: Martin Luther and the Reformation in Germany

Reasons behind the Reformation

Martin Luther

95 Thesis

Doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone

Lutheran Ideas (reformed church, no monasticism, priest can marry, salvation by faith)

Lecture 10: The Radical Reformation

Why was the Reformation a shock to Europe?

Who are the Anabaptists? Why are they radical? How are they treated?

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How did Italian city states and their governments begin to change in 1450s


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