

Think about a typical day in your life from the time you wake up, until the time you go to bed. What activities or daily routines are impacted by science throughout the day?

Look back over the topics we explored on either the Discussion Board or in Seminar. Which scientific concepts seem to have the greatest impacts on your daily routine? Which have the least?

Are there any negative impacts that science has had on your life or for those around you? Describe these impacts.

How has this course impacted the way you view science?









Solution Preview

I have come into conclusion that the activities I perform everyday whenever I wake up are driven by science. For example, the activities which I perform in house including my alarm clock, weather reports, the decisions I make on eating a balanced diet, and the bus is ride are all affected by science. For this reason, whenever I think of science, it comes in mind that science has impacted positively on my life after my parents opened a new page for my life through birth

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